CJL Programs

Many ECC families choose to continue their children’s Jewish education in our Kindergarten program. At the CJL, we believe so strongly in the value of our early Jewish learning experiences that we offer tuition-free Kindergarten. Our youngest learners love coming every Wednesday to participate in activities like Alef-Bet yoga, cooking, holiday celebrations and much more.
1st-6th Grades
Rather than a rigid curriculum, learning at the CJL revolves around content-rich areas that are taught in a myriad of ways, responsive to the needs and questions of our learners.

Our curriculum at the CJL revolves around three main content areas: Torah, holidays, and Israel. As children grow and mature, they engage with the material with greater depth, and these topics are taught across grades at age and developmentally appropriate levels. To that end, we have grade-specific literacy goals. Our Hebrew program is prayer-based, helping learners build the decoding skills needed to participate in services and home holiday celebrations with fluency and confidence. For a detailed description of our Hebrew program, including the structure, schedule, and steps you can take to help your child be successful, see our Parent Handbook.
Every group of children is different and there is no one-size-fits-all curriculum. Our educators are responsive to the needs and personality of each class, and have the freedom to adapt the content and method of their teaching to meet children where they are.
Each educator is encouraged to bring their unique gifts and passions to their teaching. Our literacy goals guide the content, but our educators find a myriad of creative ways for children to engage with it.
Because we believe that all meaningful learning happens in the context of relationships, our educators incorporate Social Emotional Learning (SEL) into their classes, encouraging children to understand and manage their emotions, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. Relationship skills are built and strengthened by daily check-in questions and community-building activities. Developing respectful listening skills allows them to understand the perspectives of others. Frequent small group work helps children make constructive choices about their behavior and social interactions.
7th Grade

Our 7th grade program meets on Monday evenings (from September – May) and on Wednesday afternoons (from September – January).
On Wednesday afternoons, the 7th grade learns with Rabbi Gropper and Cantor Cooperman, a special opportunity for the children to build relationships with the clergy who help them navigate the process of becoming B'Mitzvah. Rather than traditional learning, our clergy create authentic Jewish experiences and a taste of what Jewish adulthood is all about, from hands on tzedakah projects to making a Shabbat meal together.
On Monday evenings, our 7th grade explores "Jewish Literacy,” an engaging introduction to essential Jewish ideas and practices, followed by the opportunity to choose electives in areas of learning that interest them.
Family Learning
Several times a year, families in 3rd-6th grades come together on Saturday mornings for J-Life, engaging grade-level learning experiences led by Rabbi Gropper, Cantor Cooperman, CJL Director Amy Rosenbaum, and CSR's rabbinic intern. J-Life offers opportunities for parents and children to learn together, make connections with other families in their grade, and build relationships with CSR’s clergy

8th-12th graders have the opportunity to continue their Jewish journeys through our CSR Teens program! CSR Teens programming includes: teen-driven learning, trips to DC to lobby Congress, and community service!